Cells 1–56
Cells 1-56 presents invented organisms, membranes, bacteria, genes and cancers. These individual cells express the artist’s exploration of wonder, beauty, interconnectedness, reason, traits, evolution, healing, aging and death. The works celebrate the 50 trillion cells in each human body, the ecosystem of our planet and the Universe–all space, time, matter and energy. Making imaginary cells gives the artist hope that creativity and intelligence will prevail over the greed and ignorance that contributes to the destruction of species biodiversity.
Individual cells evolved through the planned and unplanned layering of screen printed ink, often with serendipitous and unintended results. The process was in search of new relationships with an understanding that the world is an expression of happenings, not things.
Media: Screen-based monoprints mounted on 21” aluminum disks.
Display options above: mounted from rear (2″ off wall), framed, installation configurations.
Date: 2018—2021
Installations: Genetic Garden and Omnis Cellula e Cellula
Cells presents invented organisms, membranes, bacteria, genes and cancers. These individual cells express the artist’s exploration of wonder, beauty, interconnectedness, reason, traits, evolution, healing, aging and death. The works celebrate the 50 trillion cells in each human body, the ecosystem of our planet and the Universe–all space, time, matter and energy. Making imaginary cells gives the artist hope that creativity and intelligence will prevail over the greed and ignorance that contributes to the destruction of species biodiversity.
Individual cells evolved through the planned and unplanned layering of screen printed ink, often with serendipitous and unintended results. The process was in search of new relationships with an understanding that the world is an expression of happenings, not things.
Media: Screen-based monoprints mounted on 21” aluminum disks.
Installations: Genetic Garden and Omnis Cellula e Cellula
and change became
Kent Manske & Don Drake collaborated to make a handmade artist’s book inspired by these cells.
A trade edition book and ebook are available at Hunger Button Books.